Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

How To Customize Blogger Static Pages With Css


Static pages are those pages of a blog which are created as posts are created for example Contact page, About page, Sitemap Page, Advertise Page etc. Blogger static pages look like posts except if you have used CSS or Javascript to make it different then post pages. And all the static pages should be different then post pages to make them look like they are apart of posts. So in this post I will show you how to customize static pages in blogger with CSS.

Follow below mentioned steps to customize your static pages:

Step 1: Go to blogger dashboard and navigate to Pages.

Step 2: Edit your page.


Step 3: Switch to Html editor of the page.


Step 4: Now you have to add your css codes, so copy your desired code and paste it in your page's html editor:

Before copying code add the below piece of codes in the html editor in the top or bottom of the editor:



Now all you have to do is to copy code for desired functions and paste it in between:



(1). To Remove Footer:


To remove footer add the below code between <style>---------</style>

.post-footer {

  display: none;

(2). To Remove Blog Pager:


To remove pager from static page, copy below code and paste it between <style>---------</style>

#blog-pager {


(3). To Change Background Color Of Your Static Page:



Replace #eee with your desired color code. Use our color picker tool to get code of a color.

(4). To Customize Page Title:

To customize page title you have to add the following code:

h1.post-title.entry-title {

  border-bottom: 2px solid #93C47D;
  color: #93C47D;
  letter-spacing: 2px;
  font-size: 35px;

If this code is not working use this one:

h2.post-title.entry-title {

  border-bottom: 2px solid #93C47D;
  color: #93C47D;
  letter-spacing: 2px;
  font-size: 35px;

To change color replace #93C47D with your desired color code. Use color picker to get code of color.

To change font replace Gruppo with font-family name.

(5). To Customize Content Container Width:

Content container means the box which contains your content. Normally the content container has a small width but if you want to have a full width use below code for it.

.post.hentry {

To increase or decrease width replace 102% with the your desired width.

(6). Hide Comments And Comment Box:

To hide comments and comment box read this post.

Step 5: Publish your page and you are done.

Hope you like this post and you found it helpful. If this post help you out please read more posts and share them with others.

Search Tags: Static pages blogger,blogger tips and tricks 101helper,blogger customization tricks css,javascript,remove footer,Static pages full width blogger,blogger remove comments from static pages,customize static pages blogger,edit static pages blogger
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